Send and receive messages from a serial device with python

This tutorial explains how to send and receive messages to and from a serial device.

We will make a program that periodically sends PING messages to a serial device, while monitoring the device to print every paparazzi message received on it. When it receives a PING it will send back a PONG. This is ment to be tested with a loopback serial device (a FTDI cable with RX and TX linked).

The tutorial code will be written in the SerialTutorial class so as to keep state information.

Receiving messages

When a message arrives on the serial device specified in the creation of the interface, the id of the destination of the message is checked. If the interface_id specified in the interface creation is the same as the destination id of the message, then the callback function will be called.

    # Callback function that process incoming messages
    def process_incoming_message (self, source, pprz_message):

Here the callback function just prints the message and the id of the source.

Sending messages

To send a message, we just need to call the pprzlink.serial.SerialMessagesInterface.send() function. We send the message from our id to ourselves.

                # create a ping message
                ping = message.PprzMessage('datalink', 'PING')

                # send a ping message to ourselves
                print("Sending ping")
                self.serial_interface.send(ping, self.ac_id,self.ac_id)

Filtering messages on type

In order to filter the messages according to their type, we will use the pprzlink.message API. It can be as simple as testing the name attribute of the message.

Here we use this so as to answer with a PONG message to any PING message sent to us. We send it from our id to the id of the source of the PING message.

        if == "PING":
            print ("Sending back PONG")
            pong = message.PprzMessage('telemetry', 'PONG')
            self.serial_interface.send(pong, self.ac_id,source)

Complete file

The complete file for this tutorial is here.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import pprzlink.serial
import pprzlink.messages_xml_map as messages_xml_map
import pprzlink.message as message
import time

import argparse

class SerialTutorial:
    Class SerialTutorial that uses pprzlink.serial.SerialMessagesInterface to send
    PING messages on a serial device and monitors incoming messages.
    It respond to PING messages with PONG messages.

    # Construction of the SerialTutorial object
    def __init__(self,args):
        self.serial_interface = pprzlink.serial.SerialMessagesInterface(
                            callback = self.process_incoming_message,   # callback function
                            device =,                          # serial device
                            baudrate = args.baud,                       # baudrate
                            interface_id = args.ac_id,                     # id of the aircraft
        self.ac_id = args.ac_id 
        self.baudrate = args.baud 

    # Main loop of the tutorial
    def run(self):
        print("Starting serial interface on %s at %i baud" % (, self.baudrate))

            # give the thread some time to properly start

            while self.serial_interface.isAlive():

                # create a ping message
                ping = message.PprzMessage('datalink', 'PING')

                # send a ping message to ourselves
                print("Sending ping")
                self.serial_interface.send(ping, self.ac_id,self.ac_id)

        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
            print('Shutting down...')

    # Callback function that process incoming messages
    def process_incoming_message (self, source, pprz_message):
        print("Received message from %i: %s" % (source, pprz_message))
        if == "PING":
            print ("Sending back PONG")
            pong = message.PprzMessage('telemetry', 'PONG')
            self.serial_interface.send(pong, self.ac_id,source)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("-d", "--device", help="device name", dest='dev', default='/dev/ttyUSB0')
    parser.add_argument("-b", "--baudrate", help="baudrate", dest='baud', default=115200, type=int)
    parser.add_argument("-id", "--ac_id", help="aircraft id (receiver)", dest='ac_id', default=42, type=int)
    args = parser.parse_args()

    serialTutorial = SerialTutorial(args)