Source code for pprzlink.ivy

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

from ivy.std_api import *
from ivy.ivy import IvyIllegalStateError
import logging
import os
import sys
import re
import platform

from .message import PprzMessage
from . import messages_xml_map

if os.getenv('IVY_BUS') is not None:
    IVY_BUS = os.getenv('IVY_BUS')
elif platform.system() == 'Darwin':
    IVY_BUS = ""
    IVY_BUS = ""

[docs]class IvyMessagesInterface(object): def __init__(self, agent_name=None, start_ivy=True, verbose=False, ivy_bus=IVY_BUS): if agent_name is None: agent_name = "IvyMessagesInterface %i" % os.getpid() self.verbose = verbose self._ivy_bus = ivy_bus self._running = False # make sure all messages are parsed before we start creating them in callbacks # the message parsing should really be redone... messages_xml_map.parse_messages() # bindings with associated callback functions self.bindings = {} IvyInit(agent_name, "READY") logging.getLogger('Ivy').setLevel(logging.WARN) if start_ivy: self.start() def __del__(self): try: self.shutdown() except Exception as e: print(e) def start(self): if not self._running: IvyStart(self._ivy_bus) self._running = True def stop(self): if self._running: self._running = False IvyStop() def unsubscribe_all(self): for b in self.bindings.keys(): IvyUnBindMsg(b) del self.bindings[b] def shutdown(self): try: self.unsubscribe_all() self.stop() except IvyIllegalStateError as e: print(e)
[docs] def bind_raw(self, callback, regex='(.*)'): """ Bind callback to Ivy messages matching regex (without any extra parsing) :param callback: function called on new message with agent, message, from as params :param regex: regular expression for matching message """ bind_id = IvyBindMsg(callback, regex) self.bindings[bind_id] = (callback, regex) return bind_id
def unbind(self, bind_id): if bind_id in self.bindings: IvyUnBindMsg(bind_id) del self.bindings[bind_id]
[docs] def subscribe(self, callback, regex='(.*)'): """ Subscribe to Ivy message matching regex and call callback with ac_id and PprzMessage TODO: possibility to directly specify PprzMessage instead of regex :param callback: function called on new message with ac_id and PprzMessage as params :param regex: regular expression for matching message """ bind_id = IvyBindMsg(lambda agent, *larg: self.parse_pprz_msg(callback, larg[0]), regex) self.bindings[bind_id] = (callback, regex) return bind_id
def unsubscribe(self, bind_id): self.unbind(bind_id) @staticmethod
[docs] def parse_pprz_msg(callback, ivy_msg): """ Parse an Ivy message into a PprzMessage. Basically parts/args in string are separated by space, but char array can also contain a space: ``|f,o,o, ,b,a,r|`` in old format or ``"foo bar"`` in new format :param callback: function to call with ac_id and parsed PprzMessage as params :param ivy_msg: Ivy message string to parse into PprzMessage """ # first split on array delimiters l = re.split('([|\"][^|\"]*[|\"])', ivy_msg) # strip spaces and filter out emtpy strings l = [str.strip(s) for s in l if str.strip(s) is not ''] data = [] for s in l: # split non-array strings further up if '|' not in s and '"' not in s: data += s.split(' ') else: data.append(s) # ignore ivy message with less than 3 elements if len(data) < 3: return # normal format is "sender_name msg_name msg_payload..." # advanced format has requests and answers (with request_id as 'pid_index') # request: "sender_name request_id msg_name_REQ msg_payload..." # answer: "request_id sender_name msg_name msg_payload..." # check for request_id in first or second string (-> advanced format with msg_name in third string) advanced = False if"[0-9]+_[0-9]+", data[0]) or"[0-9]+_[0-9]+", data[1]): advanced = True msg_name = data[2] if advanced else data[1] # check which message class it is msg_class, msg_name = messages_xml_map.find_msg_by_name(msg_name) if msg_class is None: print("Ignoring unknown message " + ivy_msg) return # pass non-telemetry messages with ac_id 0 if msg_class == "telemetry": try: ac_id = int(data[0]) except ValueError: print("ignoring message " + ivy_msg) sys.stdout.flush() else: ac_id = 0 payload = data[3:] if advanced else data[2:] values = list(filter(None, payload)) msg = PprzMessage(msg_class, msg_name) msg.set_values(values) # finally call the callback, passing the aircraft id and parsed message callback(ac_id, msg)
[docs] def send(self, msg, ac_id=None): """ Send a message :param msg: PprzMessage or simple string :param ac_id: Needed if sending a PprzMessage of telemetry msg_class :returns: Number of clients the message sent to, None if msg was invalid """ if not self._running: print("Ivy server not running!") return if isinstance(msg, PprzMessage): if "telemetry" in msg.msg_class: if ac_id is None: print("ac_id needed to send telemetry message.") return None else: return IvySendMsg("%d %s %s" % (ac_id,, msg.payload_to_ivy_string())) else: return IvySendMsg("%s %s %s" % (msg.msg_class,, msg.payload_to_ivy_string())) else: return IvySendMsg(msg)